By Team Mojarto
Rainbow can be the best choice to fill your room with enchantment and happiness, if you are looking for a way to decorate your new apartment or workspace. Mojarto has the largest collection of artworks available to art lovers and collectors with a few clicks. Every colour, medium, technique and style possible is available in Mojarto. Decorating your living and office spaces creates magic in the ambience.
Colours brighten your living space and glean hope for a brighter time. Rainbow is the symbol of hope for a better future. The triumphal arch that fills the sky with colours can transcend your home and office to a more positive place. The hues that fill between the earth and heaven continue to inspire and fascinate us.

This artwork by Prittam Priyalochan wakes up our dormant senses with the beauty of the peacock and the colours. The artists resplendent detailing makes the onlooker fall in love with the artwork. The brilliant flash of colours mesmerizes the viewer and resonates with hope and energy.

Anjali Surana has employed a unique technique using light to create a calming effect. The image is filled with positivity, hope and cheer. Hope is the greatest happiness of man. It is the remedy for all despair and grief. It brings smiles to parched lips and laughter to desperate hearts. The 7 circles in the artwork have a very important significance. 7 Oceans, 7 continents, 7 colours of the rainbow, sound has 7 notes. 7 is the number of completeness and perfection. The tree laden with raw and ripe fruits shows hope. The gazing face of the lady looking towards the 7 circles shows hope. The bird flying with the leaf and flowing water indicates hope.

Ankur Rana’s artwork is oozing with positivity. It reminds us that after a gentle shower of sorrow there is hope for colourful rainbows. It is nature’s promise for the transience of life. The work is so rich in the image that the viewer can not only view but feel the effect of a rainbow. The colours and the imagery profusely shed joy. It sets the mood for happy spirits to alight. Make your wall happy and inspiring with this spellbound artwork.

Why leave your walls empty when you have a wide collection of colourful artworks available on Mojarto to spruce up your walls. This artwork ‘Landscape’ portrays the fact that life is beautiful with colours. Let this artwork be a reminder for the viewer to search for their rainbow and fill their lives with vibrant hues.