By Team Mojarto
French Fauvist Henri Matisse once famously said that “creation is the artist’s true function. But it would be a mistake to ascribe creative power to an inborn talent. The creation begins with a vision. The artist has to look at everything as though seeing it for the first time.” This sums up the vision and mission of Mojarto. Mojarto envisions bringing out the hidden art talents in the country. It is a platform for artists to display their talent and gain recognition. It also brings the artists and art lovers together. Every week Mojarto is filled with new artists and artworks. This means Mojarto is fresh and anew every day with newer perspectives, ideas and portrayal. This week too Mojarto has its fine share of new artists. Here are some artists and artworks that are new on our website.

Artist Sachin Sagare is an artist who loves to bring out the rusticity of our culture through his colours. Women are the central image in his artworks. His artworks are a true celebration of culture. The choice of colour palette enhances the mood of the artwork’s setting. His artwork is a blend of both elegance and boldness that the women in the painting portray.

Atul Virkar is an upcoming artist whose artworks are yet another remarkable testimony on the cultural heritage of India. Landscapes too are an important part of his collection. He uses the colour red extensively to form an intensity that is needed to convey the depth of the theme. It also denotes significance.

Maite’s works have a languid quality and have an old-world charm. Her subjects are seemingly simple like landscapes and figurative, but the artist uses them as a means to explore the depths of her thoughts. The detailing and expressive use of colours belies much deeper thoughts. Maite Delteil is the right choice for a more cosy and contemplative space.

Ashok Namdeo’s abstract artworks transfer their energy to the setting. His artworks are the best conversation starter where an artwork gives different ideas and perceptions to the viewers. The choice of colour and pattern of abstraction adds grace and intensity to the artwork.

In our busy lives, it is always good to take a break to simply gaze at the busy streets and light-flooded roads. This gives us the space to breathe, reflect and resume. Similar depth and intensity are found in the artworks by Afshana Sharmeen where the artist captures the simple sight of busy streets, roads and buildings on her canvas. Her choice of colour sets the mood of the artwork.