Let us begin with an anecdote from the life of a butterfly. This is a story that is commonly heard and told. It is the story of a “butterfly in the making”. Its journey from a pupa to a colourful butterfly. This story of the metamorphosis is often quoted to express the beauty and significance of the change in life. Change is an essential and inevitable part of life and the world as such. It is always necessary to change from time to time for the betterment and to break the monotony. The reason for this anecdote is to draw semblance to Mojarto’s new website look. Yes, the Mojarto website has got a makeover and is now radiating with a whole new appearance and features.

Since its inception in 2005, the platform has won the love and trust of many artists, buyers and art collectors. Mojarto is being successful in fulfilling the void around the narrative of the contemporary art scene in the country. It is spreading the necessary awareness on art and bridging the gap between the artists’ community and the art lovers. The platform provides an opportunity for artists to promote their works. Mojarto is the largest online platform with a wide collection of artworks and sculptures. Artworks on different styles, techniques, mediums, folk art, masters, new artists and much more are available in a large variety. Mojarto’s hassle-free shopping and authentic artworks are loved and trusted by many.

With the new year and festive season around the corner, Mojarto has got a makeover, a brand new look to celebrate the “new” with full energy. The new website look is equipped to make the user experience even better and smoother. The look and feel of the website are more exciting and enriching, to match your love for art and enthusiasm to transact with Mojarto. It will be the most user-friendly platform to buy and sell artworks well structured with carefully curated topics which would make both the buyer’s experience effortless and enjoyable. The meticulously made topic heads and picklists will help you explore through the wide range of artworks and pin down the best artworks that suit the buyers taste.
It is also a user-friendly platform to register and sell your artwork. The artist registration process has become simpler and transparent. The new-look gives important leverage to the artists where the buyer can view the trending artists and the artists of the week to ease their confusion.
Spruce up your homes and working spaces with vibrant artworks and accent sculptures from Mojarto. Click here to shop now.