by Team Mojarto
Family is the most significant part of our life and we all must realize the importance of family. It makes everything about who we are, both our nature and nurture, come from our family. They become our strength, happiness, and hope. It becomes the anchor of our lives and wins the joys of earth. Even when the world around you is crumbling down, the family becomes your strength and helps pick you up. It is the love, hope, understanding, and the bond that the family gives, that make it most precious.
This pandemic has further reiterated the importance of a family. Here are a few artworks that celebrate the importance and joy of family.

In this massive world, we might feel lonely, left out, and often judged for who we are. Our family fills this gap with its unconditional love and togetherness. This artwork spreads the real happiness of being together with our family and the importance of family. It reverberates joy and happiness with every line and hue. This togetherness fosters us to be better people. Family bonds make our life beautiful and memorable. Every fight with our siblings and every stolen sweetmeat fills our memories with color.

Hope, a word that displaces our cold sense of rationality and reason, and instead infuses confidence in an outcome that is yet to occur. Family is the hatching spot for this confidence. Every time we fall, we rise with the hopes of our loved ones. This artwork portrays the role and importance of family during dark times, when things are not clear it becomes our star of Bethlehem. It is the hope of our family that has helped us waddle through this rough time of the pandemic. Family becomes your support system and source of strength. It teaches you more valuable lessons like sacrifice and selflessness. A good and supportive family is a hope for a better future.

Family teaches us to love and care. They teach us how to love with no boundaries. The concept of unconditional love is only something families can teach through genuine care. Our family life and the way our loved ones encourage us as our abilities progress is exactly the foundation the rest of our life will follow. In these hard times, we would have lost our loved ones but their sweet memories live with us forever. We realize the importance of family only when we are separated or live away from them.

A family is considered incomplete without a mother. Mother is always an indispensable part of the family. She is the one who teaches about the importance of family to others. This painting by Prashant K Sarkar denotes the same.