By Team Mojarto
The artists creating landscape artwork are typically romantic and idealistic in their being. Nature extends an extraordinary appeal for them and the mountains, seas, forests, trees, clouds, streams, valleys, the moon and the sun are employed by them to speak their language of love. The landscape artists seem tender and thoughtful; they have this subtle capability of capturing various moods of nature and depicting them in diverse forms. Weather plays a key role in the composition of landscape artwork. The word “landscape” is consequential from the Dutch word “landschap” which literally means a piece of farmland. This word took shape in the English language about the 17th century. Landscape artists the world over have earned a place of reverence and pride due to their fabulous creations.

Actually, landscape artwork goes back many centuries and in India, it can be traced to the Bhimbetka caves. It is true that all artists are inspired by some source, for them to paint what they do. Nature is all around you and from times immemorial; the artists have given vent to their feelings via various themes and subjects. Landscape paintings have an ethereal and spiritual feel about them and the landscape artists express with nature in its assortment of dispositions, expressions and nostalgia. The vast topography of India has led landscape artists to make canvases of deserts, oceans, the mighty Himalayas, the river valley plains etc. These are categorized as seascapes, cityscapes, river sceneries etc. and the medium deployed is oil, pastels or watercolors.

The artists, when making landscape artwork give immense impetus to light as it impacts the shadows, colours and contrasts of the picture. The goal of landscape artists is to create paintings which would bring joy to the lives of the viewers. Having an attractive landscape adorn your home factually brings nature within your four walls. The idea of the artist is to share what he makes with the world at large as where is the point in creating if your expression is not witnessed. It is online art galleries which work like magic at this time and landscape artists from any part of the world can showcase their work here. In earlier times, it was impossible for some top-of-the-line upcoming artists to get any attention. The well-renowned art galleries could only stock a certain amount but with the online art galleries gaining so much popularity, all artists worth their work are getting noticed.
The Landscape artwork collectors too are having a great time browsing their hearts away and sitting in New York, you can come across some very charming pieces belonging to artists in India. The well-established online art galleries omit the cost of shipping and make sure that the piece reaches you in a perfect condition, at your doorstep. Abstract landscape artwork makes for fabulous presents on birthdays, weddings and anniversaries. The vibrancy in their colours makes the heavens and earth appear as one; the landscape artist inspires for a panorama to be altered as a rhythmical mystical experience instead of merely depicting an issue. It is most definitely the romantics who paved way for the abstract landscape artwork to flourish, as over the years this has become the favourite of many art lovers. With the passage of time, new styles have originated and like other forms of art, landscape artwork too is constantly evolving.